Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Early work from year one - The Renga Project / Writer's Retreat

These two projects were developed over the first year of the course. 

Year One Design Projects

The first project was the Renga project, a unit designed to understand different building materials and try to develop these into a design which would sheltor people whilst visiting the site.  We had to try use a selected pallet choice of materials which we thought would best suit the design purpose.

The second project was Writer's retreat project.  This unit  was specifically for the needs of a writer, who wanted a place to 'retreat' to write books / articals for himself and papers.  Based in the forset area of Holton Lee Dorset.  We had no designated site this was down to our own selection.  The retreat design needed to consist of a writing room, bathroom and bedroom facilities.

Renga Project Models

Final Models of the design shown

Writer's Retreat Models

Design development models are shown here at different stages

1 comment:

  1. Check out IFC for interoperability on www.rhino4you.com - the end of Babel !!!
